What is Emotional Intelligence?
Emotional intelligence is the ability to manage emotions. Developing emotional intelligence also helps kids with learning and thinking differences manage their challenges. The good news is there are many things you can do to help your child to develop their emotional intelligence.
Emotional Intelligence is something that even some adults have not fully developed. It is the ability to calmly and rationally deal with events and situations without blowing up. Consider these 2 scenarios:
Scenario 1: John is having a hard time with their homework, so he communicates with an adult and asks for help.
Scenario 2: Joe is also having trouble with his homework, but he throws a tantrum and refuses to continue his work.
Which of these 2 kids would you say is more emotionally intelligent?
These responses might not seem like a big deal but they’re signs of an important set of skills that make up “emotional intelligence” (EI). This type of intelligence is crucial to helping us work through challenges and respond to situations successfully. It also helps us make positive connections with the people around us.
Emotional intelligence can be especially helpful to kids with learning and thinking differences. At the same time, certain learning and thinking differences make it harder for some kids to develop it.
Our teaching at Growing Angels puts emotional intelligence at the forefront! Our job as a childcare center is to grow the child, providing them with a firm and reliable foundation on which to grow into well-rounded adults!